1. Web Scraping Using BeautifulSoup
    • Here, I scraped the Beautiful Soup Tutorials Point Webpage and extracted the details, souped the page, navigated the tags, searched the tree, and modified the tree.
  2. Credit Card Fraud Detection
    • Predicted whether a credit card transaction is fraudulent or not.
    • Obtained 99.6% accuracy using ANN and sampling.
  3. Cancer Cell Classification
    • Predicted whether the cancer cell is benign or malignant.
    • Achieved 97% f1 score using Support Vector Classifier
  4. Restaurant Review Sentiment Analysis
    • Generated a bag-of-words model and used a classifier to tell whether the review is a positive one or not.
  5. Fashion Class Classification
    • Implemented Convolutional Neural Network model, to classify images of clothing, like sneakers, shirts in the Fashion-MNIST dataset.
    • Achieved 92% f1 score using CNN model.